
Pocket Full Of Rocks in Quillkeepers Press Anthology

The text for Pocket Full Of Rocks has been accepted in the forthcoming Grief Anthology, Missing Pieces by Quillkeepers Press. “Grief is a universal condition, and we thank you for lending your voice to a topic that is still treated… Continue Reading…

ArtWomen in the artswomen's issues

Live Interview With The Traveled Path Collaborative

Did you miss the live interview? Not to worry, it was recorded and you can view it here: Cucuy stole the show. I think it was W.C. Fields who advised never to work with kids or animals. Enjoy.


Let’s Talk –LIVE on Instagram

Wednesday, January 31 at 3 pm PST, I will be chatting live on Instagram with the ladies from The Traveled Path Collaborative. The Traveled Path Collaborative are two friends and entrepreneurs building a community of like-minded women sharing their stories… Continue Reading…