The Ass Clown

The Ass Clown is a response to mainstream and social media narratives.

Inspired by my friendship and collaboration with Michael Flowers. Flowers and I have never met in person. We have been in conversation via phone, FaceTime and social media since 2018.

One evening, Flowers painted his face and sang his version of “I Need A Man,” by Eurythmics. Flowers recorded the ridiculousness and emailed it to me. I kept the video knowing I’d either tease him about it or use it as fodder for some sort of visual shenanigans.

As the propaganda and war in Ukraine began, I had to respond. It occurred to me that I could say what was necessary through a vehicle of absurdity. That vehicle was The Ass Clown.

Extracting stills from the video, I have a library of over 500 expressions and poses to play with.

The Ass Clown is another Other Hand project. Using simple materials, I embrace child-like authenticity, dropping observation and anecdotes like bombs.