
Pocket Full Of Rocks in Quillkeepers Press Anthology

The text for Pocket Full Of Rocks has been accepted in the forthcoming Grief Anthology, Missing Pieces by Quillkeepers Press.

“Grief is a universal condition, and we thank you for lending your voice to a topic that is still treated as taboo in many societies. So, it is no surprise that this project was one of our most popular yet. Therefore, this project will be released in volumes. Once we have all the signed release forms back, we will have a better gage of how many volumes we need to create and a timeline of when you can expect to see your work in print. We will be sure to update you along the way.”

Each contributor will receive a pdf of the volume in which their work is published. It’s a thrill to see my other creative adventures getting traction.

Learn more about Quillkeepers Press HERE.