Artart collectingWomen in the arts

Perks, Prints In Production

Perks are in production! ETA late next week. Shipping begins the following week.

In the coming days, I’ll be working on the production for the actual fine art prints. Thankfully, I left myself some production notes along the way regarding output issues like banding in gradients. Specifically the way I make clouds. A good thing happened along the way to producing this series and we figured out I had a banding problem early on when my then mentor asked for a set of images at full size. Banding happens from time to time when you pull a gradient from the Illustrator platform into the Photoshop platform.

It was an expensive lesson in giclee output limitations and what to do about it, but a good one. (Yeah, it’s tax deductible, baby!)

No, I won’t work Photoshop native, get over it. I’m all about the vectors. (That’s a size joke, btw.)

There is still time to grab yourself a little astrological art treat. No tricks. No sugar, no fillers, vegetarian, eco-friendly too! Seriously, if you were ambivalent about the Hatchfund campaign, but saw something you liked, now is a great time to grab it.
It is tax-deductible and you deserve a gift that gives more than once.

The As Above, So Below campaign ends, November 8.