
For Those Affected By The Fires

For all my friends and family that lost their homes in Altadena and Pasadena. I am a retired California License Adjuster with extensive expertise in Fire Losses.
Contact your insurance carrier immediately and report the loss. You need to report both Auto and Homeowners carriers.. Request an advance for living expenses & initial clothing which should be paid under your Additional living expense coverage.
Start now in preparing an inventory of your personal property (clothing, food. Appliances, Books, paintings, photos. frames spices,) Visualize each room, go to stores to trigger remembering what you own. Value it at today’s cost to replace it regardless how you obtained it. This is a tedious job, which is full of grief. List everything you can think of no matter how small. Put it on the computer as an excel sheet. Get it ready so you can at least get paid on that portion of the claim
Get a Post Office Box for your mail.
Continue to pay your mortgages and all other bills as due each month.
Research the market value on your home as it will help in your settlement. Get bids on recommended debris removal so you know before the carrier makes an offer.
If possible, get a building contractor to give you an initial estimate on rebuilding. Check their licenses and insurance.
Consider alternatives to rebuilding as it will be extremely difficult to obtain insurance once you rebuild. You may or may not have code upgrades under existing policy which could result in huge out of pocket costs. You may decide to move away to a different area or out of state to start all over. This should not affect your insurance claim.
Before this fire there were building material shortages, which could affect the length of time rebuilding. The policy only allows a specific amount of time for additional living expenses. Talk to your insurance adjuster to see if this coverage may be extended if rebuilding is delayed.
Ask for a copy of your entire policy and read it. The contract is how the claim should be settled.
Whatever you do don’t hire a Public Adjuster to handle your loss as their percentage fee will be paid by you which greatly reduces the amount you receive. Your insurance carrier does not pay for a Public Adjuster. Be very careful here. I would NOT hire one.
Do research on the replacement cost of your vehicles, your house and your personal belongings. Check your policy if there is coverage for a vehicle rental.
Before you sign anything make sure you understand fully what you are signing. Read the Proof Loss and understand what the Proof of Loss represents. Often, partial payments are made upfront or during the claim settlement process, just make sure if you sign a check that it does not waive your rights. on the back. Put everything in writing. Keep detailed notes, with time, phone # called, and name of person(s) you spoke or met with including any vendors, building department and insurance personnel.
It’s important to be proactive and obtain as much information as possible. Once you read your entire policy you will understand what coverages you paid for in signing the ins contract.
Work with the carrier’s adjuster, ask questions, ask for help in finding a place to live.
Most important “Be kind to yourself” during this horrific experience and loss. Remember, Insurance Carriers are governed by law, the insurance policy contract, The Fair Claims Act and must abide by the policy contract. Be truthful in everything you present to them. #LAFires #lafd, #altadenafires #sangabrielvalleyfires #homeownersclaims #losangelescalifornia #FilingInsurance #arcadiafires #pasadenafires #redcross #CAFires #CAWildfires #latimes #AARP #NBCNews #ymca #litchfieldparkrealestate